
try sleeping with a dizzy head and happy heart

What a fabulous week I had! Fab in my term means I spent more than 2/3 day to stay awake. OK you can read it as: lack of sleep. I was having a nice weekend with my bf and his friends, and I can say their mine also since I feel very comfortable to go with them :)
We were having lunch at Mr. Curry, Grand Indonesia. All of us eating there having the same opinion that the curry was delicious.

Lunch will be perfect with a nice desert, so shall we? :)

I had a great Sunday with you guys, really hope for another one soon. Hoping there won't be any stupid and harmful demonstration tomorrow 'celebrating' one year SBY and Budiono.Happy Tuesday!


  1. Wah foto editannya ditambah inner glownya jadi bagus ternyata.. looks elegant..

    anywya di foto ini aku terlihat lebih kurus haha

  2. hahahahahhaa habis foto dr bb wawan gelap put, jd mesti di-edit :p
    Iya lo terlihat ramping, mungkin ditambah faktor baju lengan panjang juga jadi efeknya makin langsing, hehehe


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