
missing you

I don't even know why I miss my holiday time in Singapore. I just wish I could go there again with my fam this November. But hey there's always a time for everything! It's my turn just to stay in Indonesia til end of this year.
So much place I haven't visit when I'm at Singapore, but it means I have lots of reasons to come back :)


"The spaces between your fingers were created so that another could fill them in."


office hour

Currently listening to Britney Spears - 3 and One Republic - All the right moves :)


Every woman deserves at least a pair of great shoes. Source of quote? Me, myself and I, hehehe. *kata inez itu kata2 dr film, hihihi, gpp deh ya gw modif dari good jadi great shoes :p* When you wear a very usual clothes, just wear a very nice shoes *high heels maybe?* and welcome to the chic club! Right now I'm having 2 very best high heels, around 9cms tall, and still I'm still thinking of having another one and one and one *slap*
Oh woman you're never get satisfied of shoes!!
And here I am now, thinking about louboutin shoes. Googling and browsing it. *sigh*
As far as I know this is the most popular louboutin:

Okaayyy let's just be honest.....I'm not the kind of girl who's able to use high heels as a daily wear shoes..it's kinda tiring to stand up and walk in a 9cms heels for more than 2hours.
So I prefer this one:

Do I deserve just one pair of a black cathay louboutin? *tuink tuink*

img src: louboutinstore.com


Go green!

The world is getting hotter! I think all of you have noticed that the weather these days are not friendly anymore. Who's to blame? You and me. All of us are responsible for these.

Some simple actions:
1. Use WATER wisely.
Kalau lagi mandi pake shower pas lagi sabunan ato shampoo-an airnya bisa dikecilin, lebi bagus lagi dimatiin dulu :)
2. Use TISSUE wisely.
Gw sering banget liat di rest room cewe di mall-mall besar, setelah cuci tangan pada ambil tissue besar buat lap tangan sampe berlembar-lembar, padahal 1 lembar aja sebenernya cukup kok, asal tangannya dielap pake tisunya pelan-pelan, jangan langsung diremes gitu tisunya.
Uda bosen liat tulisan itu? Gw rasa si yg majang or bikin tulisan itu lebih bosen lagi. Biar kata dari TK uda diajarin buang sampah pada tempatnya tetep aja ampe segede gini masi bebal.
Contoh kecil, gw sering bgt liat orang buang sampah dr mobil seenak jidatnya. Dikira jalanan jakarta tong sampah kali ye. Gede bener booooook tong sampahnya.
Gw yakin bgt tindakan sekecil apapun yg kita lakukan bisa berpengaruh banget kedepannya. Sedikit sedikit lama lama jadi bukit. Pepatah lama yg selalu manjur.
Contoh lainnya, buang sampah di angkot. Yes angkot beibih, mau metromini patas mikrolet bajaj, mereka emg ga nyediain tong sampah di dalemnya, tapi apa salahnya pegang sampah tisu (misalnya) sebentar, ntar pas turun di tempat tujuan baru buang.
Terserah deh mau sopirnya ato keneknya sendiri yg buang sampah dlm angkot mereka, poin utama disini adalah ELO sendiri harus buang sampah di tempatnya.
Jgn pernah ngeluh jakarta kotor, jorok, penuh sampah, kalo ELO sendiri sering buang sampah seenaknya.

So let's go green!
Kalau ga dimulai dari sekarang, mau nunggu kiamat dulu?

img src: http://ikrar-bali.blogspot.com/2009/02/ruang-arsip.html


another crave on one shoulder

So this is it, posting about one shoulder again...biar gimana pun gw ga akan bosen sm yg namanya one shoulder...hehehehe...

img src: f21, mango, etc


fro-yo fever

Kalau dihitung jumlah fro yo stall di jakarta rasanya lebih dari 5 deh, icy blue, sour sally, red mango, heavenly blush, j cool, etc...
Well siapa yg paling laku and paling oke menurut gw masi ga jelas sih, soalnya gw bukan tipe yg suka kuliner cicipin satu2 trus kasi review :p
Iseng2 liat ini di PS, I think it's cute and very creative compared to using a big banner as a media advertiser :)

Internship at Kelapa Gading

Anyone interested on internship program at Kelapa Gading??

If you're quite familiar with Ms.Excel that will be more than enough cause you'll be trained :)

Further info please contact kurniawan.darmanto@live.com


cloudy with a chance of meat balls

Baru aja nonton Cloudy with a chance of Meat Balls kemaren di PS with IBM-ers...bagus ditonton buat anak kecil, buat yg gede2 ky gw mayan menghibur, lucu plus agak2 eneg karena makanan-nya dari yg terlihat enak lama-lama membesar n too much...
I'm thanking dunkie for buying me a popcorn with a drink..wait..maybe you think it's just a popcorn and a drink, but it's not! Just see pic below:

Cute packaging! :) I know this will become rubbish but I ended up with bringin it home :p
And with purchasing a bottle of Nu Green Tea, I got this also:

I really really really love iiittttt :) :) :)


Smarter Healthcare System, Aryaduta Hotel

This is a government event, about Health Care System in Indonesia, held by Warta Ekonomi on Wednesday, Oct 21st. Rasanya excited bgt pengen tau acara goverment tuh kaya gimana, apalagi katanya MenKes mau dateng, hehehe.
Well uda ada feeling si Menkes bakal ga dateng, soalnya besok itu (kamisnya) bakal ada pelantikan kabinet baru bo, jadi yah klo dia ga kepilih lagi ngapain juga dia dateng :p
Ternyata bener ga dateng, hehehe, klo beneran dateng ga kebayang deh, disembur pertanyaan2 n komplain2, yg kasian yah yg wakilin, hehehe.

Inside the Mezzanine room at Aryaduta:

Foto dulu ah..pake baju IBM, hehehe
With Okke, yg sgt penyabar n ramah, hehehe

And the last photo taken coz I had nothing to do while hearing the presentation :p

Btw I want to congrating Inez for *finallllly* having commencement tomorrow... and for being interviewed next Monday.....Can't wait to see her wearing kebaya, hihihi *piiiiiis*

movie time

hopefully tomorrow's gonna be just fine :)



Drinks below are hot chocolate milk, I forgot the name :p, Italian Strawberry Soda, cold chocolate milk..

Grilled Chicken *my boy said the taste is ordinary*

Grilled Salmon *I love the salmon!*

The Soup-I forgot the name :p but it's tasty and salty, hehehe

Twins Blastful Bday Party

Yuhuuuu....Thanks to Celly and Cella for inviting me to their sweet 17 bday party... :) :) :)
Segarra I'm coming.....

Malaysia in two days

Mood for blogging is quite high, I think I'll post several things, hope you can enjoy it :)
Pictures below are taken on my trip to KL from SG, this one when I'm on the Grassland Express, I'm using bus from SG to KL coz it's lot cheaper, around 30sgd...The bus is cozy though for about 6 hours drive...

MRT on KL, near Times Square, around pm, after working hour, I think the crowd it's just the same like queueing using Transjakarta in Jakarta, and that's not good...

On our way to KLCC...

Boost Juice! How I really love it!

Twin Towers at night, so beautiful, right?

In front of Pavilion Mall :)

Inside the Pavilion:

On the street, pretty much like Jakarta...

but this one, you'll never see this sign unless in Malaysia :D
btw I don't get what's the meaning of 'selekoh berbahaya'...

Roller coaster inside Times Square, KL: