
Smarter Healthcare System, Aryaduta Hotel

This is a government event, about Health Care System in Indonesia, held by Warta Ekonomi on Wednesday, Oct 21st. Rasanya excited bgt pengen tau acara goverment tuh kaya gimana, apalagi katanya MenKes mau dateng, hehehe.
Well uda ada feeling si Menkes bakal ga dateng, soalnya besok itu (kamisnya) bakal ada pelantikan kabinet baru bo, jadi yah klo dia ga kepilih lagi ngapain juga dia dateng :p
Ternyata bener ga dateng, hehehe, klo beneran dateng ga kebayang deh, disembur pertanyaan2 n komplain2, yg kasian yah yg wakilin, hehehe.

Inside the Mezzanine room at Aryaduta:

Foto dulu ah..pake baju IBM, hehehe
With Okke, yg sgt penyabar n ramah, hehehe

And the last photo taken coz I had nothing to do while hearing the presentation :p

Btw I want to congrating Inez for *finallllly* having commencement tomorrow... and for being interviewed next Monday.....Can't wait to see her wearing kebaya, hihihi *piiiiiis*

1 comment:

  1. nyahahaha.. ntar fan ntar.. mudah2an minggu dpn dah ada tu foto2 =P


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