
lovely day @ Mulia

Well sometimes you're facing a really boring day at the office, and when you're invited to event, that will be a total rescue....
I can say yesterday is a really fattening day because I ate almost nonstop there and I think the food contains high calories and fat too *sigh*

the chocolate is oh sooooooo contagious nyam nyam nyam:

my outfit:


  1. kyaaa.. rok loe lucuuu.. tapi kok cuma pake flats sih fan?? mana heelsnya?? :P

    itu itu yang di atas itu.. gw kurang suka lho o_O aneh kan terlalu creamy =="

  2. hahaha...waktu itu gw lg kn sindrom males pk hi heels, so this week I don't use any hi heels, tp mulai mgg dpn pake lg dong, siap beraksi! hehehe


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