
the one who was meant for me

Both shocking pink and bright pink always have a weird sensation on me. As years goes by, I try to be comfy with it. It begin with my shocking pink luggage, then buying my bf pinky-purplish shirt for work. I already used to see him wearing that shirt, but seeing him with shocking pink tie contrasting to his super white shirt, oh no.

Somehow he's just cute wearing that 'thing', hahaha.
I just realized how damn busy he is when I was having lunch together. After a month trying to set the 'perfect' time to go lunch together (OK this sounds weird since we're in the same office, same building, and another same thing that pretty much sounds lame now), I finally managed to go out with him.
I was imagining of a romantic one but his cell phone only stop vibrating and ringing for 3 mins. Next time stop having lunch with him. There'll be 'exclusive' Saturdays and Sundays for me. Not on damn busy weekdays.


  1. ES: busy sekali kayanya si wawan.. haha...tp busy is good.. alamat bakal cepet sukses dah....

    btw pink buat cowo di sg dah mayan normal..kl di indo ga tau deh ya..

  2. amin put, selain dia buat gw rada khawatir jg bikin gw termotivasi sih biar bisa super sibuk juga, hehehe
    mungkin gw yg kurang bergaul dgn co2 yg pake pink di Indo, hahaha


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