
lust for sushi tei

For the first time, I have finally tasted jumbo dragon roll in Sushi Tei. Really enormous sushi roll, so I need to divide the sushi by chopstick before I can eat it. But crispy roll still be my favorite one, hehehe.

Why in sushi restaurant the lighting is poor? To make us feels like we can eat almost everything in large amount? To become the most favorite place for lovers? For me, it's just bad in taking the pictures by phone camera, sigh sigh sigh.


  1. jumbo dragon roll paling oke lhaaaa.. gw jg baru perna mkn 2-3x karna muahaaall.. tp paling enak sih emang itu :P

  2. tp krn mesti dipotong2 gr2 terlalu gede, gw msh lebi suka crispy roll, hehehe


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