
what if

After watching Uya emang Kuya, I was wondering how does it feel to have a few boys all at once. Pasti rasanya campur aduk kaya nano-nano. Guilty, happy, proud, great confidence, excited, worried, anxious, and many more. Di reality show itu ceritanya cowo kls 1 SMA punya 3 pacar sekaligus and 1 gebetan cewe yg uda punya pacar juga. Really great, eh?
If only I could turn back time, which is totally impossible, I want to go back to my senior high school and date different boys every week. I don't know why my devilish mind working so hard to imagine those things. Maybe because I'm having a great relationship right now so doing something wild like that means ruining my beautiful life.

Miss you lots.


  1. halah.. pake miss you lots segala.. pasti loe baru ktmu dia kan weekend kmaren, minimal.

    itu ank SMA palingan cuma maen2 doang, jgn dtiru, jgn dtiru.. haha

  2. hahaha I'm missing him lots soalnya weekend kmrn ini dia lg manis bgt :p
    jangan ditiru? oh jelas skrg emg ga mau niru, tp dulu?? *evil spirit on fire*


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