
quick updates from last week training

Just passed a very overloaded training last week in Singapore. All I can think of is shopping, shopping, and shopping. Dont get me wrong when I say I love shopping a bit too much, it doesn't mean I am awfully rich. It's just that I love good clothes, bag, shoes, and for me shopping is also a stress relieve. More relieved than eating a good food.
I'd rather eat an ordinary food to save some bucks buying a good fashion stuff. But since I'm staying at Shangri-La Hotel in Singapore last week with a free breakfast at The Line, then I manage to eat a King-tasty food in the morning, quite Prince-y food for lunch, lousy one for dinner.
The training makes my brain that hasn't been used to think for more than 2 years overloaded. And when weekend comes, all I can do is sleep. Wake up, wash dirty clothes, eat, sleep, repeat from the beginning til Monday comes.
And the worst part is, I bring my camera everyday but only manage to snap some pics in Friday. What a busy week.

Tomorrow is Friday! Yessshhhhaaaa!


I give in I'm not give up I let go

Been repeating Justin's song Dead and Gone over and over again :p I haven't woke up at 3 am since two or years ago, but tomorrow for sure I have to woke up that early to catch a flight to SG. I am hoping the training wouldn't be that bore or else I keep on yawning and maybe fall a sleep, hehehe. 

Weekend is almost over, but I need to keep the working spirit on fire in Sunday or else my days in SG will be loaded by replying lots of emails. Tough life for a better living, am I right? :)


snap snap

Am in the mood for blogging, and for some reasons, I have to admit that am in the mood for taking several nice pictures but the timing and places are somewhat collide. 

My blackberry is being hospitalized for 3 weeks and am hoping the new one will be available soon. In desperate waiting for it *forgive the autism*, am able to produce some amateur pics, hehehe.
Oh weekend, what a heaven :)

just in.

Hey you! 
I feel so excited these days knowing that my boss allowed me to go training to Singapore for 5 days. I know for some of you Singapore is not that exciting, but somehow I miss freedom trip in a safe country like Singapore. I am going to book Meryl and Saput's schedule on Sunday evening, hopefully I'm succeed :) I already have my shopping list and quite scared after that knowing how lame my self control is. 
Despite of this excitement, I also have a very good tools for hair, pls welcoming my Goody spin pin and modern up do, fresh from NYC, brought by my colleague Depi, hehehe.

The spin pin is very useful and won't ruin your hair unlike the modern up do. I haven't found the right way to use the modern up do, sigh. 
Warm welcome to the weekend breeze!


another one shoulder attack!

I have so many thoughts on my mind right now. Mix feeling about work and love life.

I think it's impossible to have a wonderful career, astonishing appearance and a very clean house if you do it all alone. I just feel exhausted and somehow holiday wouldn't solve this issue, sigh.