
Sari Sanjaya Pempek Apy Plaju

 The title describes this post so well. Thanks to Devi who accompany me eat the pempek near our office in Mega Kuningan.

The most recommended one is Pempek Selam which contains egg, a bit pricey though., one for IDR 13K, but for a pempek lover it'll worth the money and effort goin there! 


  1. mauuuu...!!!!
    ini dmana fan?
    pempek kapal selam emg mahal, pasti di atas 10ribu.

  2. Di sederetan Ambas nez, dr kantor lo jalan kaki kayanya bisa, sebrang Snappy, hehehehhee...lo doyan pempek toh...baru tau gw :p


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